1.Amazing grace(traditional)
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
i once was lost but now i'm found
was blind but now i see
Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
and grace my fears relieved
how precious did that grace appear
the hour i first believed
Through many dangers toils and snares
i have already come
Tis grace have brought me safe thus far
and grace will lead me home
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
i once was lost but now i'm found
was blind but now i see
3.Ombra mai fu-G. F. Handel
Ombra mai fu di vegetabile
cara ed amabile soave piu
Ombra mai fu di vegetabile
cara ed amabile soave piu
cara ed amabile
Ombra mai fu di vegetabile
cara ed amabile soave piu
soave piu
Ombra mai fu di vegetabile
cara ed amabile soave piu
Ombra mai fu di vegetabile
cara ed amabile soave piu
cara ed amabile
Ombra mai fu di vegetabile
cara ed amabile
soave piu
soave piu
4.Nel cor piu non mi sento-G. Paisiello
Nel cor piu non mi sento
brillar la gioventu
cagion del mio tormento
amor sei colpa tu
mi pizzichi mi stuzzichi
mi pungichi mi mastichi
che cosa e questo ahime?
pieta pieta pieta
amore e un certo
che disperar mi fa
Nel cor piu non mi sento
brillar la gioventu
cagion del mio tormento
amor sei colpa tu
mi pizzichi mi stuzzichi
mi pungichi mi mastichi
che cosa e questo ahime?
pieta pieta pieta
amore e un certo
che disperar mi fa
5.Scarborough fair(tradiotional)
are you going to scarborough fair
persley, sage, rosemary and thyme
remeber me to one who lives there
she once was a true love of mine
tell her to make me a cambric shirt
persley, sage, rosemary and thyme
without no seems nor needle work
then she'll be a true love of mine
tell her to find me and acre of land
persley, sage, rosemary and thyme
between the salt water and the sea strand
then she'll be a true love of mine
are you going to scarborough fair
persley, sage, rosemary and thyme
remeber me to one who lives there
she once was a true love of mine
6.I will give my love an apple(traditional)
I will give my love and apple without e'er a core
i will give my love a house e'er a door
i will give my love a palace wherin she may be
and she may unlock it without any key
my head is the apple without e'er a core
my mind is the house without e'er a door
my heart is the palace wherein she may be
and she may unlock it without any key
i will give my love and apple without e'er a core
i will give my love a house e'er a door
i will give my love a palace wherin she may be
and she may unlock it without any key
7.Bist du bei mir BWV AnH.508-G. H. Stolzel(attr. J. S. Bach)
Bist du bei mir
Bist du bei mir
Bist du bei mir
geh' ich mit freuden
zum sterben und zu meiner ruh'
ach, wie vergnugt
war so mein ende
es druchkten deine schonen hande
mir die getreuen augen zu
Bist du bei mir
geh' ich mit freuden
zum sterben und zu meiner ruh'
ach, wie vergnugt
war so mein ende
es druchkten deine schonen hande
mir die getreuen augen zu
Bist du bei mir
Bist du bei mir
Bist du bei mir
geh' ich mit freuden
zum sterben und zu meiner ruh'
8.Aria magnificat-G. P. Telemann
Laudato sie, mi signore
cum tucte le tue creature
spetialmente messor lo frate sole
lo qual'e jorno et allumini noi per loi
et ellue e bellu e radiante
de te, Altissimo, porta significazione
laudato sie, mi signore
per sora luna e stelle
in celu l'ai formate
clarite et pretiose et belle
laudato sie, mi signore
per quelli ke perdonano
per lo tuo amore
et sostengo infirmitate et tribulatione
beati quelli kel il sosterranno in pace
ka da te, Altissimo, sitano incoronati
laudate e benedicete mi signore
et rengratiate
et serviateli cum grande humiltate
10.Black is the colour(traditional)
Black is the colour of my true love's hair
her face is something wonderous fair
the purest eyes and the daintiest hands
i love the grass where on she stands
i love my love and well she knows
i love the grass where one she goes
and still i hope the time will come
when she and i will be as one
black is the colour of my true love's hair
i love the grass where one she goes
if her no more on earth i see
my life will quickly fade away
11.Oyasumi-N. Kakiage
As i fall into a sleep alone
i will pray for your sweet slumber
and i wish you joy and happiness
and for that i am humble
through our flesh is torn asunder
there is nothing that frightens me
we're a match made in the heavens
that is where we will meet once again
yes, a fleeting sense of rapture
taught me all i ever needed
to believe in love is its own reward
so i thank you-goodnight
don't resist the tides of fate
no, just accept what comes to pass
as i fall into a sleep alone
i will pray you're dreaming of me
and the dreams they hold such tenderness
let's rejoice in the darkness
though no more i'll cross your path
we are bound forever
should the screw of fate turn
i will save you from its grip
yes, a fleeting sense of rapture
taught me all i ever needed
to believe in love is its own reward
so i thank you-goodnight
don't resist the pull of love
oh, just accept what comes to pass
and i'm thakful for the love i feel
it lives on deep in my heart still
for the stars aboce brought me to you
yes, i thank them-goodnight
-2CD- 8.Agnus dei~Missa 'Kronungsmesse' ~K.317-W. A. Mozart
Agnus dei, Agnus dei,
qui tollis peccata mundi
miserere nobis
agnus dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
miserer nobis
agnus dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
dona nobis pacem
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