저음질 음악/기타
2015. 10. 7. 12:07
- 01 - Guardians At the Gate.mp3
- 02 - Reaching.mp3
- 03 - Akkadian Empire.mp3
- 04 - House of Cards.mp3
- 05 - 11 Days in Hell.MP3
- 06 - Eterna.mp3
- 07 - Veni Vidi Vici.mp3
- 08 - Breath and Life.mp3
- 09 - Creation.mp3
- 10 - Redemption.mp3
- 11 - Beyond Good and Evil.mp3
- 12 - Lost Empire.mp3
- 13 - Sands of Time.mp3
- 14 - Black Cauldron.mp3
- 15 - Lost Generation.mp3
- 16 - Hell's Battalion.mp3
- 17 - Red Warrior.mp3
- 18 - Lachrimae.mp3
- 19 - Legions of Doom.mp3
- 20 - Road to Glory.mp3
- 21 - Army of Kings.mp3
- 22 - Lost Raiders.mp3
- 23 - Battle of the Kings.mp3
- 24 - Path to Freedom.mp3
- 25 - Hymn of the Rising.mp3
- 26 - Danuivus.mp3
- 27 - Blood and Glory.mp3
- 28 - The Messenger.mp3
-음반정보 : Amazon.com
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